(#1209) 小餐馆生意出售
生意位于Mooroolbark主街,邻近火车站和居民区。每日来往的人流量大。该店每日客流稳定,餐馆口碑非常好,多年下来积攒了大量的客户群体,有很多忠实食客。该店一周营业6天,主要以外卖为主,操作管理模式简单易上手,适合主厨或者夫妻档共同来打理, 店铺租金合理,成本低,高收入,回报快。即便在疫情之下,依然保持稳定的高收入。是一个非常值得投资的生意。现因雇主要退休,诚意出售。
售价:$ 158,000
周收入:$ 7,000 – 7,500
租金:$2138/1月(包council rates + water rates)
- Café is open 6 days a week and located in a main street of Mooroolbark
- Suit chef owner operate/Ideal business for a couple
- Simple menu/ operation
- Excellent reputation (serving tasty and quality food)
- High profit and quick return business
- Very competitive rent and outgoing
- Heavy foot traffic flow
- Existing online plattform alliance established with Menulog and Deliveroo
- Opportunity for further potential growth
Weekly Taking : $7,000 -7,500
Sold price: $ 158,000
Rent: $2138/Per month (Included council rates & water rates)